Privacy Policy

portfolio Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and portfolio Verlag the Operator and Copyright Holder respectively of the all the websites operated by portfolio Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (“the  Sites”) including but not limited to,,,, respect your privacy and will not sell or make available in any  way the personal information we collect from you (“Data”) except where we have previously  obtained your consent. The nature of the Services provided via the Sites means that we might obtain certain information about you. This statement sets out the principles governing our use of your Data (“Use”). By Registering to use the Services and by using the Sites generally, you agree to this Use. Defined terms have the same meanings as in the terms and conditions set out above.

This privacy policy explains what personal information we keep, what we do with it and the limited circumstances in which we may share your data with others.

This privacy policy may be updated occasionally. Please check it every so often to make sure you are aware of any changes.

The privacy policy has been written to be clear and concise. It doesn’t provide every detail of our collection and use of personal data. We would be happy to provide further information if you have any queries or concerns. If you would like further explanation please contact us using the contact detail below.

Who are we?

Portfolio Institutional is part of Portfolio Verlagsgesellschaft MBH.

Our address is Smithfield Offices, 5 St. Johns Lane, London, EC1M 4BH.

You can contact us on 0207 822 8522.

What information is collected from you?

We may collect and store your name, address, telephone number and email address.

How information about you will be used

We may use the information you supply to us in a number of ways:

  • To provide you the products and services you we offer that we believe will be of legitimate business interest to you
  • For statistical analysis.
  • For debt collection purposes.
  • To get feedback on the services we provide.
  • We may also use your information to send you reminders about products and services you have already purchased from us by email or post.
  • Sending you newsletters and relevant promotions that we believe will be of legitimate business interest to you.
  • Sending you copies of our magazine and supplements that we believe will be of legitimate business interest to you.

Who do we share your information with?

We will not share your information with any third parties for their marketing purposes. We will not sell your data on to any third parties.

Companies working on our behalf

In some situations, we use a third party company to help provide some of our services. In these circumstances we will share only the data required to provide the service.

We have contracts in place with these third parties that ensure your data is stored safely, will not be used for purposes other than fulfilling our contract with them and will not be retained by them for longer than is necessary.

How long do we keep your information?

We will keep your personal information for as long as you remain our customer. Once you cease to be our customer we may keep your personal information for up to 8 years in order to maintain records according to rules that apply to us.

Your Preferences

If you would not like to receive reminders about products and services we offer that we believe will be of legitimate business interest to you, you can opt out of these by contacting the office by writing in.

Your Personal Rights

  • You have the right to request access to your personal information held by us. We will respond within one month and the information will be provided free of charge. Please do this by writing using the address: Portfolio Institutional, Smithfield Offices, 5 St. Johns Lane, London, EC1M 4BH
  • You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data, restrict how we use or to delete it. There may be legal or other reasons why we may need to keep using your data but please contact us if you think we should not be using it.
  • You also have the right to correct any personal information you believe is incorrect. Please let us know if you think this is the case.
  • You have the right to ask for your personal data to be transferred to another service provider in a useful format.


If you would like to complain about the way we have handled your data please contact us in person, in writing by post Smithfield Offices, 5 St. Johns Lane, London, EC1M 4BH or by email at

If, following your complaint you are not happy with the outcome or our response, you are also entitled to complain to the independent regulatory authority, the ICO.

Further information can be found at


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